2,000+ Financial Professionals Are Using HUMMINGBIRD

To Book 12-15 Meetings A Month On LinkedIn!

Works Best For:





"HUMMINGBIRD is amazing! We 10x our ROI in 6 months. I added 4 other advisors to their platform. I will recommend Hummingbird to everyone."

-Mitch L.



24 years industry experience

2+ years as Hummingbird Client

"We had over 60+ accounts with Hummingbird. When our team tracked how much it cost us per meeting, Hummingbird cost us about $36 compared to hundreds we were spending elsewhere for worse candidates. If I have any marketing budget, it's going to Hummingbird"

-Ashley Z

Chief Marketing Officer

3+ years as Hummingbird Enterprise Client

"HUMMINGBIRD has packed our calendars with ideal recruits. In the last year we have added 3 profiles and will continue to add more!"

-Jenny p.


New Jersey

"HUMMINGBIRD is such an effective way to prospect, that we now give it to every new rep on our team.

It works so well, it's even part of our recruiting stack! We tell advisors, "Hey if you come work with our team, we will give you access to Hummingbird."

-Jerrod F.

Managing Partner


How It Works:

How it works in 4 EZ steps!

Step 1

Targeting the right people

Who you talk to makes all the difference.

We combine deep industry knowledge, with data from 1000's of past campaigns to connect you with the most qualified decision makers first

Step 2

Messaging that converts

Our team will help you craft messaging that converts based on Hummingbird's proven templates and database of successful campaigns.

Step 3

Focus on engaged leads

Our messaging platform prospects while you sleep!

The inbox makes it easy to identify and focus on the low hanging fruit.

The average user spends 5 minutes a day on Hummingbird and books 10 approach calls a month!

Step 4


Our team offers monthly support calls to optimize you campaign.

During those calls, the client shares his feedback.

That combined with data, allows our team to make changes to the campaign!

Hummingbird gets better Month after MONTH!

Average LinkedIn Activity to Acquire a Client


744 connections requests sent

275 New Connections

100 connections reply to messaging

10 meetings set

3 Discovery meetings / Factfinders

1 Becomes a Client